Score : $400$ points
We have a grid with $H$ rows and $W$ columns. The square at the $i$-th row and the $j$-th column will be called Square $(i,j)$.
The integers from $1$ through $H×W$ are written throughout the grid, and the integer written in Square $(i,j)$ is $A_{i,j}$.
You, a magical girl, can teleport a piece placed on Square $(i,j)$ to Square $(x,y)$ by consuming $|x-i|+|y-j|$ magic points.
You now have to take $Q$ practical tests of your ability as a magical girl.
The $i$-th test will be conducted as follows:
Initially, a piece is placed on the square where the integer $L_i$ is written.
Let $x$ be the integer written in the square occupied by the piece. Repeatedly move the piece to the square where the integer $x+D$ is written, as long as $x$ is not $R_i$. The test ends when $x=R_i$.
Here, it is guaranteed that $R_i-L_i$ is a multiple of $D$.
For each test, find the sum of magic points consumed during that test.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$H$ $W$ $D$ $A_{1,1}$ $A_{1,2}$ $...$ $A_{1,W}$ $:$ $A_{H,1}$ $A_{H,2}$ $...$ $A_{H,W}$ $Q$ $L_1$ $R_1$ $:$ $L_Q$ $R_Q$
For each test, print the sum of magic points consumed during that test.
Output should be in the order the tests are conducted.
3 3 2 1 4 3 2 5 7 8 9 6 1 4 8
$4$ is written in Square $(1,2)$.
$6$ is written in Square $(3,3)$.
$8$ is written in Square $(3,1)$.
Thus, the sum of magic points consumed during the first test is $(|3-1|+|3-2|)+(|3-3|+|1-3|)=5$.
4 2 3 3 7 1 4 5 2 6 8 2 2 2 2 2
0 0
Note that there may be a test where the piece is not moved at all, and there may be multiple identical tests.
5 5 4 13 25 7 15 17 16 22 20 2 9 14 11 12 1 19 10 6 23 8 18 3 21 5 24 4 3 13 13 2 10 13 13
0 5 0