
Contest: Task: Related: TaskB

Score: $100$ points

Problem Statement

In AtCoder Kingdom, Gregorian calendar is used, and dates are written in the "year-month-day" order, or the "month-day" order without the year.
For example, May $3$, $2018$ is written as $2018$-$5$-$3$, or $5$-$3$ without the year.

In this country, a date is called Takahashi when the month and the day are equal as numbers. For example, $5$-$5$ is Takahashi.
How many days from $2018$-$1$-$1$ through $2018$-$a$-$b$ are Takahashi?


  • $a$ is an integer between $1$ and $12$ (inclusive).
  • $b$ is an integer between $1$ and $31$ (inclusive).
  • $2018$-$a$-$b$ is a valid date in Gregorian calendar.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$a$ $b$


Print the number of days from $2018$-$1$-$1$ through $2018$-$a$-$b$ that are Takahashi.

Sample Input 1

5 5

Sample Output 1


There are five days that are Takahashi: $1$-$1$, $2$-$2$, $3$-$3$, $4$-$4$ and $5$-$5$.

Sample Input 2

2 1

Sample Output 2


There is only one day that is Takahashi: $1$-$1$.

Sample Input 3

11 30

Sample Output 3


There are eleven days that are Takahashi: $1$-$1$, $2$-$2$, $3$-$3$, $4$-$4$, $5$-$5$, $6$-$6$, $7$-$7$, $8$-$8$, $9$-$9$, $10$-$10$ and $11$-$11$.