Score: $200$ points
A country decides to build a palace.
In this country, the average temperature of a point at an elevation of $x$ meters is $T-x \times 0.006$ degrees Celsius.
There are $N$ places proposed for the place. The elevation of Place $i$ is $H_i$ meters.
Among them, Princess Joisino orders you to select the place whose average temperature is the closest to $A$ degrees Celsius, and build the palace there.
Print the index of the place where the palace should be built.
It is guaranteed that the solution is unique.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $T$ $A$ $H_1$ $H_2$ $...$ $H_N$
Print the index of the place where the palace should be built.
2 12 5 1000 2000
Thus, the palace should be built at Place $1$.
3 21 -11 81234 94124 52141