Score : $100$ points
Takahashi, who is $A$ years old, is riding a Ferris wheel.
It costs $B$ yen ($B$ is an even number) to ride the Ferris wheel if you are $13$ years old or older, but children between $6$ and $12$ years old (inclusive) can ride it for half the cost, and children who are $5$ years old or younger are free of charge. (Yen is the currency of Japan.)
Find the cost of the Ferris wheel for Takahashi.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$A$ $B$
Print the cost of the Ferris wheel for Takahashi.
30 100
Takahashi is $30$ years old now, and the cost of the Ferris wheel is $100$ yen.
12 100
Takahashi is $12$ years old, and the cost of the Ferris wheel is the half of $100$ yen, that is, $50$ yen.
0 100
Takahashi is $0$ years old, and he can ride the Ferris wheel for free.