Score : $500$ points
There is an infinitely long street that runs west to east, which we consider as a number line.
There are $N$ roadworks scheduled on this street. The $i$-th roadwork blocks the point at coordinate $X_i$ from time $S_i - 0.5$ to time $T_i - 0.5$.
$Q$ people are standing at coordinate $0$. The $i$-th person will start the coordinate $0$ at time $D_i$, continue to walk with speed $1$ in the positive direction and stop walking when reaching a blocked point.
Find the distance each of the $Q$ people will walk.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $Q$ $S_1$ $T_1$ $X_1$ $:$ $S_N$ $T_N$ $X_N$ $D_1$ $:$ $D_Q$
Print $Q$ lines. The $i$-th line should contain the distance the $i$-th person will walk or $-1$ if that person walks forever.
4 6 1 3 2 7 13 10 18 20 13 3 4 2 0 1 2 3 5 8
2 2 10 -1 13 -1
The first person starts coordinate $0$ at time $0$ and stops walking at coordinate $2$ when reaching a point blocked by the first roadwork at time $2$.
The second person starts coordinate $0$ at time $1$ and reaches coordinate $2$ at time $3$. The first roadwork has ended, but the fourth roadwork has begun, so this person also stops walking at coordinate $2$.
The fourth and sixth persons encounter no roadworks while walking, so they walk forever. The output for these cases is $-1$.