Score : $500$ points
You are given a tree with $N$ vertices and $N-1$ edges. The vertices are numbered $1$ to $N$, and the $i$-th edge connects Vertex $a_i$ and $b_i$.
You have coloring materials of $K$ colors. For each vertex in the tree, you will choose one of the $K$ colors to paint it, so that the following condition is satisfied:
How many ways are there to paint the tree? Find the count modulo $1\ 000\ 000\ 007$.
What is tree?
A tree is a kind of graph. For detail, please see: Wikipedia "Tree (graph theory)"
What is distance?
The distance between two vertices $x$ and $y$ is the minimum number of edges one has to traverse to get from $x$ to $y$.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $K$ $a_1$ $b_1$ $a_2$ $b_2$ $.$ $.$ $.$ $a_{N-1}$ $b_{N-1}$
Print the number of ways to paint the tree, modulo $1\ 000\ 000\ 007$.
4 3 1 2 2 3 3 4
There are six ways to paint the tree.
5 4 1 2 1 3 1 4 4 5
16 22 12 1 3 1 4 16 7 12 6 2 2 15 5 16 14 16 10 11 3 10 3 13 8 6 16 8 9 12 4 3