Score : $400$ points
There is a knight - the chess piece - at the origin $(0, 0)$ of a two-dimensional grid.
When the knight is at the square $(i, j)$, it can be moved to either $(i+1,j+2)$ or $(i+2, j+1)$.
In how many ways can the knight reach the square $(X, Y)$?
Find the number of ways modulo $10^9 + 7$.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$X$ $Y$
Print the number of ways for the knight to reach $(X, Y)$ from $(0, 0)$, modulo $10^9 + 7$.
3 3
There are two ways: $(0,0) \to (1,2) \to (3,3)$ and $(0,0) \to (2,1) \to (3,3)$.
2 2
The knight cannot reach $(2,2)$.
999999 999999
Print the number of ways modulo $10^9 + 7$.