Score : $300$ points
There are $N$ people living on a number line.
The $i$-th person lives at coordinate $X_i$.
You are going to hold a meeting that all $N$ people have to attend.
The meeting can be held at any integer coordinate. If you choose to hold the meeting at coordinate $P$, the $i$-th person will spend $(X_i - P)^2$ points of stamina to attend the meeting.
Find the minimum total points of stamina the $N$ people have to spend.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $X_1$ $X_2$ $...$ $X_N$
Print the minimum total stamina the $N$ people have to spend.
2 1 4
Assume the meeting is held at coordinate $2$. In this case, the first person will spend $(1 - 2)^2$ points of stamina, and the second person will spend $(4 - 2)^2 = 4$ points of stamina, for a total of $5$ points of stamina. This is the minimum total stamina that the $2$ people have to spend.
Note that you can hold the meeting only at an integer coordinate.
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