Score : $400$ points
Takahashi has a string $S$ consisting of lowercase English letters.
Starting with this string, he will produce a new one in the procedure given as follows.
The procedure consists of $Q$ operations. In Operation $i$ $(1 \leq i \leq Q)$, an integer $T_i$ is provided, which means the following:
If $T_i = 1$: reverse the string $S$.
If $T_i = 2$: An integer $F_i$ and a lowercase English letter $C_i$ are additionally provided.
Help Takahashi by finding the final string that results from the procedure.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$S$ $Q$ $Query_1$ $:$ $Query_Q$
In the $3$-rd through the $(Q+2)$-th lines, $Query_i$ is one of the following:
which means $T_i = 1$, and:
$2$ $F_i$ $C_i$
which means $T_i = 2$.
Print the resulting string.
a 4 2 1 p 1 2 2 c 1
There will be $Q = 4$ operations. Initially, $S$ is a
Operation $1$: Add p
at the beginning of $S$. $S$ becomes pa
Operation $2$: Reverse $S$. $S$ becomes ap
Operation $3$: Add c
at the end of $S$. $S$ becomes apc
Operation $4$: Reverse $S$. $S$ becomes cpa
Thus, the resulting string is cpa
a 6 2 2 a 2 1 b 1 2 2 c 1 1
There will be $Q = 6$ operations. Initially, $S$ is a
Operation $1$: $S$ becomes aa
Operation $2$: $S$ becomes baa
Operation $3$: $S$ becomes aab
Operation $4$: $S$ becomes aabc
Operation $5$: $S$ becomes cbaa
Operation $6$: $S$ becomes aabc
Thus, the resulting string is aabc
y 1 2 1 x