Score : $400$ points
We have $9K$ cards. For each $i = 1, 2, \dots, 9$, there are $K$ cards with $i$ written on it.
We randomly shuffled these cards and handed out five cards - four face up and one face down - to each of Takahashi and Aoki.
You are given a string $S$ representing the cards handed out to Takahashi and a string $T$ representing the cards handed out to Aoki.
$S$ and $T$ are strings of five characters each. Each of the first four characters of each string is 1
, 2
, $\dots$, or 9
, representing the number written on the face-up card. The last character of each string is #
, representing that the card is face down.
Let us define the score of a five-card hand as $\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^9 i \times 10^{c_i}$, where $c_i$ is the number of cards with $i$ written on them.
Takahashi wins when the score of Takahashi's hand is higher than that of Aoki's hand.
Find the probability that Takahashi wins.
, 2
, $\dots$, or 9
, 2
, $\dots$, and 9
appears at most $K$ times in total in $S$ and $T$.#
.Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$K$ $S$ $T$
Print the probability that Takahashi wins, as a decimal. Your answer will be judged as correct when its absolute or relative error from our answer is at most $10^{-5}$.
2 1144# 2233#
For example, if Takahashi's hand is 11449
and Aoki's hand is 22338
, Takahashi's score is $100+2+3+400+5+6+7+8+90=621$ and Aoki's score is $1+200+300+4+5+6+7+80+9=612$, resulting in Takahashi's win.
Takahashi wins when the number on his face-down card is greater than that of Aoki's face-down card, so Takahashi will win with probability $\frac49$.
2 9988# 1122#
6 1122# 2228#
Takahashi wins only when Takahashi's hand is 11222
and Aoki's hand is 22281
, with probability $\frac2{1035}$.
100000 3226# 3597#