Score : $200$ points
AtCoDeer has an empty piggy bank.
On the morning of the $i$-th day, he will put $i$ yen (Japanese currency) in it: $1$ yen on the morning of the $1$-st day, $2$ yen on the morning of the $2$-nd day, and so on.
Each night, he will check the amount of money in it.
On which day will he find out that his piggy bank has $N$ yen or more for the first time?
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
Print an integer $x$ such that AtCoDeer will find out that his piggy bank has $N$ yen or more for the first time on the $x$-th day.
Thus, on the $5$-th night, AtCoDeer will find out that his piggy bank has $12$ yen or more for the first time.