Score : $300$ points
There are $N$ citizens in the Kingdom of Takahashi. Each citizen has a national ID number; the ID of the $i$-th citizen is $a_i$. Here, all $a_i$ are pairwise different.
Takahashi has $K$ pieces of sweets. He has decided to hand out these pieces to the citizens in the following way until he has no more pieces.
When all pieces are handed out, how many pieces will the $i$-th citizen have?
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $K$ $a_1$ $a_2$ $\ldots$ $a_N$
Print $N$ lines. The $i$-th line should contain the number of pieces of sweets received by the $i$-th citizen.
2 7 1 8
4 3
Takahashi will hand out the pieces as follows.
In the end, the $1$-st citizen will receive $4$ pieces, and the $2$-nd citizen will receive $3$ pieces.
1 3 33
Since there is just one citizen, Takahashi will hand out all pieces to that $1$-st citizen.
7 1000000000000 99 8 2 4 43 5 3
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