Score : $100$ points
You are given integers $A$ and $B$ between $0$ and $255$ (inclusive). Find a non-negative integer $C$ such that $A \text{ xor }C=B$.
It can be proved that there uniquely exists such $C$, and it will be between $0$ and $255$ (inclusive).
The bitwise $\mathrm{XOR}$ of integers $A$ and $B$, $A\ \mathrm{XOR}\ B$, is defined as follows:
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$A$ $B$
Print the answer.
3 6
When written in binary, $3$ will be $11$, and $5$ will be $101$. Thus, their $\text{xor}$ will be $110$ in binary, or $6$ in decimal.
In short, $3 \text{ xor } 5 = 6$, so the answer is $5$.
10 12