Score : $100$ points
You are given a string $S$, which represents a weather forecast for the seven days starting tomorrow.
The $i$-th of those seven days is forecast to be sunny if the $i$-th character of $S$ is o
, and rainy if that character is x
Tell us whether the $N$-th day is forecast to be sunny.
and x
.Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $S$
Print Yes
if the $N$-th of the seven days starting tomorrow is forecast to be sunny, and No
if that day is forecast to be rainy.
4 oooxoox
The forecast for each of the seven days starting tomorrow is as follows: sunny, sunny, sunny, rainy, sunny, sunny, rainy.
In particular, the fourth day is forecast to be rainy.
7 ooooooo