
Contest: Task: Related: TaskC TaskE

Score : $400$ points

Problem Statement

A shop sells $N$ kinds of lunchboxes, one for each kind.
For each $i = 1, 2, \ldots, N$, the $i$-th kind of lunchbox contains $A_i$ takoyaki (octopus balls) and $B_i$ taiyaki (fish-shaped cakes).

Takahashi wants to eat $X$ or more takoyaki and $Y$ or more taiyaki.
Determine whether it is possible to buy some number of lunchboxes to get at least $X$ takoyaki and at least $Y$ taiyaki. If it is possible, find the minimum number of lunchboxes that Takahashi must buy to get them.

Note that just one lunchbox is in stock for each kind; you cannot buy two or more lunchboxes of the same kind.


  • $1 \leq N \leq 300$
  • $1 \leq X, Y \leq 300$
  • $1 \leq A_i, B_i \leq 300$
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$X$ $Y$
$A_1$ $B_1$
$A_2$ $B_2$
$A_N$ $B_N$


If Takahashi cannot get at least $X$ takoyaki and at least $Y$ taiyaki, print $-1$; otherwise, print the minimum number of lunchboxes that he must buy to get them.

Sample Input 1

5 6
2 1
3 4
2 3

Sample Output 1


He wants to eat $5$ or more takoyaki and $6$ or more taiyaki.
Buying the second and third lunchboxes will get him $3 + 2 = 5$ taiyaki and $4 + 3 = 7$ taiyaki.

Sample Input 2

8 8
3 4
2 3
2 1

Sample Output 2


Even if he is to buy every lunchbox, it is impossible to get at least $8$ takoyaki and at least $8$ taiyaki.
Thus, print $-1$.