
Contest: Task: Related: TaskB TaskD

Score : $300$ points

Problem Statement

You are given an integer $N$. Consider permuting the digits in $N$ and separate them into two positive integers.

For example, for the integer $123$, there are six ways to separate it, as follows:

  • $12$ and $3$,
  • $21$ and $3$,
  • $13$ and $2$,
  • $31$ and $2$,
  • $23$ and $1$,
  • $32$ and $1$.

Here, the two integers after separation must not contain leading zeros. For example, it is not allowed to separate the integer $101$ into $1$ and $01$. Additionally, since the resulting integers must be positive, it is not allowed to separate $101$ into $11$ and $0$, either.

What is the maximum possible product of the two resulting integers, obtained by the optimal separation?


  • $N$ is an integer between $1$ and $10^9$ (inclusive).
  • $N$ contains two or more digits that are not $0$.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print the maximum possible product of the two integers after separation.

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1


As described in Problem Statement, there are six ways to separate it:

  • $12$ and $3$,
  • $21$ and $3$,
  • $13$ and $2$,
  • $31$ and $2$,
  • $23$ and $1$,
  • $32$ and $1$.

The products of these pairs, in this order, are $36$, $63$, $26$, $62$, $23$, $32$, with $63$ being the maximum.

Sample Input 2


Sample Output 2


There are two ways to separate it:

  • $100$ and $1$,
  • $10$ and $10$.

In either case, the product is $100$.

Sample Input 3


Sample Output 3