Score : $300$ points
There is a $10^{100} \times 7$ matrix $A$, where the $(i,j)$-th entry is $(i-1) \times 7 + j$ for every pair of integers $(i,j)\ (1 \leq i \leq 10^{100}, 1 \leq j \leq 7)$.
Given an $N \times M$ matrix $B$, determine whether $B$ is some (unrotated) rectangular part of $A$.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $M$ $B_{1,1}$ $B_{1,2}$ $\ldots$ $B_{1,M}$ $B_{2,1}$ $B_{2,2}$ $\ldots$ $B_{2,M}$ $\hspace{1.6cm}\vdots$ $B_{N,1}$ $B_{N,2}$ $\ldots$ $B_{N,M}$
If $B$ is some rectangular part of $A$, print Yes
; otherwise, print No
2 3 1 2 3 8 9 10
The given matrix $B$ is the top-left $2 \times 3$ submatrix of $A$.
2 1 1 2
Although the given matrix $B$ would match the top-left $1 \times 2$ submatrix of $A$ after rotating $90$ degrees, the Problem Statement asks whether $B$ is an unrotated part of $A$, so the answer is No
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