
Contest: Task: Related: TaskA TaskC

Score : $200$ points

Problem Statement

You are given positive integers $A$ and $B$.
Let us calculate $A+B$ (in decimal). If it does not involve a carry, print Easy; if it does, print Hard.


  • $A$ and $B$ are integers.
  • $1 \le A,B \le 10^{18}$


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$A$ $B$


If the calculation does not involve a carry, print Easy; if it does, print Hard.

Sample Input 1

229 390

Sample Output 1


When calculating $229+390$, we have a carry from the tens digit to the hundreds digit, so the answer is Hard.

Sample Input 2

123456789 9876543210

Sample Output 2


We do not have a carry here; the answer is Easy.
Note that the input may not fit into a $32$-bit integer.