Score : $600$ points
There is a grid with $N$ rows and $N$ columns, where each square has one white piece, one black piece, or nothing on it.
The square at the $i$-th row from the top and $j$-th column from the left is described by $S_{i,j}$. If $S_{i,j}$ is W
, the square has a white piece; if $S_{i,j}$ is B
, it has a black piece; if $S_{i,j}$ is .
, it is empty.
Takahashi and Snuke will play a game, where the players take alternate turns, with Takahashi going first.
In Takahashi's turn, he does one of the following operations.
In Snuke's turn, he does one of the following operations.
The player who becomes unable to do the operation loses the game. Which player will win when both players play optimally?
Here, moving a piece one square up means moving a piece at the $i$-th row and $j$-th column to the $(i-1)$-th row and $j$-th column.
Note that this is the same for both players; they see the board from the same direction.
, B
, or .
.Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $S_{1,1}S_{1,2}\ldots S_{1,N}$ $S_{2,1}S_{2,2}\ldots S_{2,N}$ $\vdots$ $S_{N,1}S_{N,2}\ldots S_{N,N}$
If Takahashi will win, print Takahashi
; if Snuke will win, print Snuke
3 BB. .B. ...
If Takahashi eats the black piece at the $1$-st row and $1$-st columns, the board will become:
.B. .B. ...
Then, Snuke cannot do an operation, making Takahashi win.
Note that it is forbidden to move a piece out of the board or to a square occupied by another piece.
2 .. WW