Score : $400$ points
Solve the following problem for $T$ test cases.
Given are non-negative integers $a$ and $s$. Is there a pair of non-negative integers $(x,y)$ that satisfies both of the conditions below?
- $x\ \text{AND}\ y=a$
- $x+y=s$
The bitwise $\mathrm{AND}$ of integers $A$ and $B$, $A\ \mathrm{AND}\ B$, is defined as follows:
Input is given from Standard Input. The first line is in the following format:
Then, $T$ test cases follow. Each test case is in the following format:
$a$ $s$
Print $T$ lines. The $i$-th line $(1 \leq i \leq T)$ should contain Yes
if, in the $i$-th test case, there is a pair of non-negative integers $(x,y)$ that satisfies both of the conditions in the Problem Statement, and No
2 1 8 4 2
Yes No
In the first test case, some pairs such as $(x,y)=(3,5)$ satisfy the conditions.
In the second test case, no pair of non-negative integers satisfies the conditions.
4 201408139683277485 381410962404666524 360288799186493714 788806911317182736 18999951915747344 451273909320288229 962424162689761932 1097438793187620758
No Yes Yes No