Score : $400$ points
We have an empty sequence $A$.
Given $Q$ queries, process them in order.
Each query is of one of the following three types.
1 x
: Insert $x$ to $A$.
2 x k
: Among the elements of $A$ that are less than or equal to $x$, print the $k$-th largest value. ($k$ is no more than $\bf{5}$)
If there are less than $k$ elements of $A$ that are less than or equal to $x$, then print -1
3 x k
: Among the elements of $A$ that are greater than or equal to $x$, print the $k$-th smallest value. ($k$ is no more than $\bf{5}$)
If there are less than $k$ elements of $A$ that are greater than or equal to $x$, then print -1
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$Q$ $\text{query}_1$ $\text{query}_2$ $\vdots$ $\text{query}_Q$
In the $i$-th query $\text{query}_i$, the type of query $c_i$ (which is either $1, 2$, or $3$) is given first.
If $c_i=1$, then $x$ is additionally given; if $c_i=2, 3$, then $x$ and $k$ are additionally given.
In other words, each query is given in one of the following three formats:
$1$ $x$
$2$ $x$ $k$
$3$ $x$ $k$
Print $q$ lines, where $q$ is the number of queries such that $c_i=2,3$.
The $j$-th line $(1\leq j\leq q)$ should contain the answer for the $j$-th such query.
11 1 20 1 10 1 30 1 20 3 15 1 3 15 2 3 15 3 3 15 4 2 100 5 1 1 2 100 5
20 20 30 -1 -1 1
After $\text{query}_{1,2,3,4}$ have been processed, we have $A=(20,10,30,20)$.
For $\text{query}_{5,6,7}$, the elements of $A$ greater than or equal to $15$ are $(20,30,20)$.
The $1$-st smallest value of them is $20$; the $2$-nd is $20$; the $3$-rd is $30$.