Score : $300$ points
Takahashi has a red jewel of level $N$. (He has no other jewels.)
Takahashi can do the following operations any number of times.
Takahashi wants as many blue jewels of level $1$ as possible. At most, how many blue jewels of level $1$ can he obtain by the operations?
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $X$ $Y$
Print the answer.
2 3 4
Takahashi can obtain $12$ blue jewels of level $1$ by the following conversions.
He cannot obtain more than $12$ blue jewels of level $1$, so the answer is $12$.
1 5 5
Takahashi may not be able to obtain a blue jewel of level $1$.
10 5 5
Note that the answer may not fit into a $32$-bit integer type.