Score : $700$ points
Takahashi is locked within a building.
This building consists of $H×W$ rooms, arranged in $H$ rows and $W$ columns.
We will denote the room at the $i$-th row and $j$-th column as $(i,j)$. The state of this room is represented by a character $A_{i,j}$. If $A_{i,j}=$ #
, the room is locked and cannot be entered; if $A_{i,j}=$ .
, the room is not locked and can be freely entered.
Takahashi is currently at the room where $A_{i,j}=$ S
, which can also be freely entered.
Each room in the $1$-st row, $1$-st column, $H$-th row or $W$-th column, has an exit. Each of the other rooms $(i,j)$ is connected to four rooms: $(i-1,j)$, $(i+1,j)$, $(i,j-1)$ and $(i,j+1)$.
Takahashi will use his magic to get out of the building. In one cast, he can do the following:
His objective is to reach a room with an exit. Find the minimum necessary number of casts to do so.
It is guaranteed that Takahashi is initially at a room without an exit.
, .
or S
, and it satisfies $2 ≤ i ≤ H-1$ and $2 ≤ j ≤ W-1$.Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$H$ $W$ $K$ $A_{1,1}A_{1,2}$...$A_{1,W}$ : $A_{H,1}A_{H,2}$...$A_{H,W}$
Print the minimum necessary number of casts.
3 3 3 #.# #S. ###
Takahashi can move to room $(1,2)$ in one cast.
3 3 3 ### #S# ###
Takahashi cannot move in the first cast, but can unlock room $(1,2)$. Then, he can move to room $(1,2)$ in the next cast, achieving the objective in two casts.
7 7 2 ####### ####### ##...## ###S### ##.#.## ###.### #######