Score : $1700$ points
You have two strings $A = A_1 A_2 ... A_n$ and $B = B_1 B_2 ... B_n$ of the same length consisting of $0$ and $1$. The number of $1$'s in $A$ and $B$ is equal.
You've decided to transform $A$ using the following algorithm:
Let $P$ be the probability that strings $A$ and $B$ become equal after the procedure above.
Let $Z = P \times (k!)^2$. Clearly, $Z$ is an integer.
Find $Z$ modulo $998244353$.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$A$ $B$
Print the value of $Z$ modulo $998244353$.
1010 1100
After the first two steps, $a = [1, 3]$ and $b = [1, 2]$. There are $4$ possible scenarios after shuffling $a$ and $b$:
Out of $4$ scenarios, $3$ of them result in $A = B$. Therefore, $P = 3$ / $4$, and $Z = 3$.
01001 01001
No swap ever changes $A$, so we'll always have $A = B$.
101010 010101
Every possible sequence of three swaps puts the $1$'s in $A$ into the right places.
1101011011110 0111101011101