Score : $700$ points
Aoki is playing with a sequence of numbers $a_{1}, a_{2}, ..., a_{N}$. Every second, he performs the following operation :
Aoki wants to turn the sequence into $b_{1}, b_{2}, ..., b_{N}$ (the order of the elements is important). Determine if it is possible for Aoki to perform this task and if yes, find the minimum cost required.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $a_{1}$ $a_{2}$ $...$ $a_{N}$ $b_{1}$ $b_{2}$ $...$ $b_{N}$
Print the minimum cost required to turn the original sequence into $b_{1}, b_{2}, ..., b_{N}$. If the task is impossible, output $-1$ instead.
3 19 10 14 0 3 4
Here's a possible sequence of operations :
Choose $k = 7$. Replace $19$ with $5$, $10$ with $3$ and do nothing to $14$. The sequence is now $5, 3, 14$.
Choose $k = 5$. Replace $5$ with $0$, do nothing to $3$ and replace $14$ with $4$. The sequence is now $0, 3, 4$.
The total cost is $2^{7} + 2^{5} = 160$.
3 19 15 14 0 0 0
Aoki can just choose $k = 1$ and turn everything into $0$. The cost is $2^{1} = 2$.
2 8 13 5 13
The task is impossible because we can never turn $8$ into $5$ using the given operation.
4 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 8
Aoki doesn't need to do anything here. The cost is $0$.
1 50 13
Beware of overflow issues.