Score : $900$ points
We have a sequence of $N$ integers: $x=(x_0,x_1,\cdots,x_{N-1})$. Initially, $x_i=0$ for each $i$ ($0 \leq i \leq N-1$).
Snuke will perform the following operation exactly $M$ times:
Find the number of different sequences that can result after $M$ operations. Since it can be enormous, compute the count modulo $998244353$.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $M$
Print the number of different sequences that can result after $M$ operations, modulo $998244353$.
2 2
After two operations, there are three possible outcomes:
For example, $x=(3,3)$ can result after the following sequence of operations:
3 2
10 10
100000 50000