Score : $500$ points
For integers $b (b \geq 2)$ and $n (n \geq 1)$, let the function $f(b,n)$ be defined as follows:
Here, ${\rm floor}(n / b)$ denotes the largest integer not exceeding $n / b$, and $n \ {\rm mod} \ b$ denotes the remainder of $n$ divided by $b$.
Less formally, $f(b,n)$ is equal to the sum of the digits of $n$ written in base $b$. For example, the following hold:
You are given integers $n$ and $s$. Determine if there exists an integer $b (b \geq 2)$ such that $f(b,n)=s$. If the answer is positive, also find the smallest such $b$.
The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$n$ $s$
If there exists an integer $b (b \geq 2)$ such that $f(b,n)=s$, print the smallest such $b$.
If such $b$ does not exist, print -1
87654 30
87654 138
87654 45678
31415926535 1
1 31415926535