Score : $400$ points
We have a grid with $H$ rows and $W$ columns of squares. Snuke is painting these squares in colors $1$, $2$, $...$, $N$. Here, the following conditions should be satisfied:
Find a way to paint the squares so that the conditions are satisfied. It can be shown that a solution always exists.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$H$ $W$ $N$ $a_1$ $a_2$ $...$ $a_N$
Print one way to paint the squares that satisfies the conditions. Output in the following format:
$c_{1 1}$ $...$ $c_{1 W}$ $:$ $c_{H 1}$ $...$ $c_{H W}$
Here, $c_{i j}$ is the color of the square at the $i$-th row from the top and $j$-th column from the left.
2 2 3 2 1 1
1 1 2 3
Below is an example of an invalid solution:
1 2 3 1
This is because the squares painted in Color $1$ are not 4-connected.
3 5 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 4 4 4 3 2 5 4 5 3 2 5 5 5 3
1 1 1 1