Score : $1000$ points
There are $N$ non-negative integers written on a blackboard. The $i$-th integer is $A_i$.
Takahashi can perform the following two kinds of operations any number of times in any order:
How many different integers not exceeding $X$ can be written on the blackboard? We will also count the integers that are initially written on the board. Since the answer can be extremely large, find the count modulo $998244353$.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $X$ $A_1$ $:$ $A_N$
Print the number of different integers not exceeding $X$ that can be written on the blackboard.
3 111 1111 10111 10010
Initially, $15$, $23$ and $18$ are written on the blackboard. Among the integers not exceeding $7$, four integers, $0$, $3$, $5$ and $6$, can be written. For example, $6$ can be written as follows:
4 100100 1011 1110 110101 1010110
4 111001100101001 10111110 1001000110 100000101 11110000011
1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1
Be sure to find the count modulo $998244353$.