Score : $700$ points
For strings $s$ and $t$, we will say that $s$ and $t$ are prefix-free when neither is a prefix of the other.
Let $L$ be a positive integer. A set of strings $S$ is a good string set when the following conditions hold true:
and 1
.We have a good string set $S = \{ s_1, s_2, ..., s_N \}$. Alice and Bob will play a game against each other. They will alternately perform the following operation, starting from Alice:
The first player who becomes unable to perform the operation loses the game. Determine the winner of the game when both players play optimally.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $L$ $s_1$ $s_2$ $:$ $s_N$
If Alice will win, print Alice
; if Bob will win, print Bob
2 2 00 01
If Alice adds 1
, Bob will be unable to add a new string.
2 2 00 11
There are two strings that Alice can add on the first turn: 01
and 10
In case she adds 01
, if Bob add 10
, she will be unable to add a new string.
Also, in case she adds 10
, if Bob add 01
, she will be unable to add a new string.
3 3 0 10 110
If Alice adds 111
, Bob will be unable to add a new string.
2 1 0 1
Alice is unable to add a new string on the first turn.
1 2 11
2 3 101 11