Score: $300$ points
We have $N$ voting papers. The $i$-th vote $(1 \leq i \leq N)$ has the string $S_i$ written on it.
Print all strings that are written on the most number of votes, in lexicographical order.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $S_1$ $:$ $S_N$
Print all strings in question in lexicographical order.
7 beat vet beet bed vet bet beet
beet vet
and vet
are written on two sheets each, while beat
, bed
, and bet
are written on one vote each. Thus, we should print the strings beet
and vet
8 buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
7 bass bass kick kick bass kick kick
4 ushi tapu nichia kun
kun nichia tapu ushi