Score : $300$ points
Takahashi, who lives on the number line, is now at coordinate $X$. He will make exactly $K$ moves of distance $D$ in the positive or negative direction.
More specifically, in one move, he can go from coordinate $x$ to $x + D$ or $x - D$.
He wants to make $K$ moves so that the absolute value of the coordinate of the destination will be the smallest possible.
Find the minimum possible absolute value of the coordinate of the destination.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$X$ $K$ $D$
Print the minimum possible absolute value of the coordinate of the destination.
6 2 4
Takahashi is now at coordinate $6$. It is optimal to make the following moves:
Here, the absolute value of the coordinate of the destination is $2$, and we cannot make it smaller.
7 4 3
Takahashi is now at coordinate $7$. It is optimal to make, for example, the following moves:
Here, the absolute value of the coordinate of the destination is $1$, and we cannot make it smaller.
10 1 2
1000000000000000 1000000000000000 1000000000000000
The answer can be enormous.