Score : $700$ points
You are given $N$ integers $A_1$, $A_2$, ..., $A_N$.
Consider the sums of all non-empty subsequences of $A$. There are $2^N - 1$ such sums, an odd number.
Let the list of these sums in non-decreasing order be $S_1$, $S_2$, ..., $S_{2^N - 1}$.
Find the median of this list, $S_{2^{N-1}}$.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $A_1$ $A_2$ $...$ $A_N$
Print the median of the sorted list of the sums of all non-empty subsequences of $A$.
3 1 2 1
In this case, $S = (1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4)$. Its median is $S_4 = 2$.
1 58
In this case, $S = (58)$.