Score : $500$ points
There are $N$ camels numbered $1$ through $N$.
The weight of Camel $i$ is $w_i$.
You will arrange the camels in a line and make them cross a bridge consisting of $M$ parts.
Before they cross the bridge, you can choose their order in the line - it does not have to be Camel $1$, $2$, $\ldots$, $N$ from front to back - and specify the distance between each adjacent pair of camels to be any non-negative real number. The camels will keep the specified distances between them while crossing the bridge.
The $i$-th part of the bridge has length $l_i$ and weight capacity $v_i$. If the sum of the weights of camels inside a part (excluding the endpoints) exceeds $v_i$, the bridge will collapse.
Determine whether it is possible to make the camels cross the bridge without it collapsing. If it is possible, find the minimum possible distance between the first and last camels in the line in such a case.
It can be proved that the answer is always an integer, so print an integer.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $M$ $w_1$ $w_2$ $\cdots$ $w_N$ $l_1$ $v_1$ $\vdots$ $l_M$ $v_M$
If the bridge will unavoidably collapse when the camels cross the bridge, print -1
Otherwise, print the minimum possible distance between the first and last camels in the line when the camels cross the bridge without it collapsing.
3 2 1 4 2 10 4 2 6
2 1 12 345 1 1
if the bridge will unavoidably collapse.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100000000 1
8 20 57 806 244 349 608 849 513 857 778 993 939 864 152 984 308 975 46 860 123 956 21 950 850 876 441 899 249 949 387 918 34 965 536 900 875 889 264 886 583 919 88 954 845 869 208 963 511 975