Score : $600$ points
We have $N$ bags numbered $1$ through $N$ and $N$ dishes numbered $1$ through $N$. Bag $i$ contains $a_i$ coins, and each dish has nothing on it initially.
Taro the first and Jiro the second will play a game against each other. They will alternately take turns, with Taro the first going first. In each player's turn, the player can make one of the following two moves:
The player who first becomes unable to make a move loses. Determine the winner of the game when the two players play optimally.
You are given $T$ test cases. Solve each of them.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$T$ $\mathrm{case}_1$ $\vdots$ $\mathrm{case}_T$
Each case is in the following format:
$N$ $a_1$ $a_2$ $\cdots$ $a_N$
Print $T$ lines. The $i$-th line should contain First
if Taro the first wins in the $i$-th test case, and Second
if Jiro the second wins in the test case.
3 1 10 2 1 2 21 476523737 103976339 266993 706803678 802362985 892644371 953855359 196462821 817301757 409460796 773943961 488763959 405483423 616934516 710762957 239829390 55474813 818352359 312280585 185800870 255245162
Second First Second