Score : $700$ points
There are $N$ cats. We number them from $1$ through $N$.
Each of the cats wears a hat. Cat $i$ says: "there are exactly $a_i$ different colors among the $N - 1$ hats worn by the cats except me."
Determine whether there exists a sequence of colors of the hats that is consistent with the remarks of the cats.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
$N$ $a_1$ $a_2$ $...$ $a_N$
Print Yes
if there exists a sequence of colors of the hats that is consistent with the remarks of the cats; print No
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For example, if cat $1$, $2$ and $3$ wears red, blue and blue hats, respectively, it is consistent with the remarks of the cats.
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From the remark of cat $1$, we can see that cat $2$ and $3$ wear hats of the same color. Also, from the remark of cat $2$, we can see that cat $1$ and $3$ wear hats of the same color. Therefore, cat $1$ and $2$ wear hats of the same color, which contradicts the remark of cat $3$.
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